Programa de Voluntariado
I’m Ana Maria, owner of this place, with over 120 years of history in the family, is a coffee farm in the jungle of Peru. We grow coffee, bananas, corn, cassava, among others. 100 ha we have, however, grow only 10 and the rest is in the process of reforestation. We want to be hosting soon, so we need volunteers to have a coffee experience, helping in various day jobs. Jobs are indoors normally, few hours a day, mostly carpentry, landscaping or related to coffee or bio-garden. We need helpers who wish to provide their valuable help, with the option to practice and improve your Spanish and learn about Peruvian culture from an organic coffee farm.You can write us in English, German, Italian or Portuguese, if you wish, but you should know a little bit of Español.
hola, solo probar
Estamos una chica de Estados unidos y una de Francia. Fuimos en Lima, Peru, para 6 meses. Durante nuestras vacaciones hemos decidido hacer voluntariado sobre una granja durante dos o tres semanas en el mes de Marzo. Las dos estamos acostumbradas a trabajar al exterior como en interior. Estamos contentas de dar nuestros effuerzos y tiempo ! sabemos trabajar un poco en el jardin, con los animales y un poco de construccion tambien. Si no sabemos algo estamos contentas de aprender ! Esperemos encontrar gente, decubrir diferentes maneras de vivir, descuvrir el campo y la naturalesa de diferentes paises. Nos encontaramos de trabajar sobre su finca de cafe ! Hablamos mas o menos el Español gracias a nuestras tiempo estudiando y trabajando en Lima, hablo tambien el Frances y el Ingles. Esperando respuestas positivas.
we are two girls, one from Normandie, France. The other from Minasota, in the US. We spent 6 months in Lima, Peru, working and studying. during the time of holliday, we would like to travel through Peru, up through Ecuador or maybe down to Chille. We are hoping to do some volunteering on a farm during a couple or three weeks in March. We are both outdoor people, used to working in nature and indoors. We are friendly, easy going and happy to work, give time and energy. If we don’t know something we will be glad to learn ! hoping to discover different ways of living, new landscapes, and meet new people. We would really love to work on your coffee farm ! We speak English fluently, and, as for Spanish, we have a certain level now that we have spent six months in Peru. Hope to have positive responses.